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A Subway Century

Sabinal, TX to San Antonio, TX

Last night’s stay in the park went about as well as I could’ve hoped. When I first arrived at the park yesterday there was quite a bit of activity in the area with a relatively large number of kids taking advantage of the basketball court. Their game ended shortly afterRead More …

I Heart Patricia

Del Rio, TX to Sabinal, TX

Today would be the big day where I would find out what effect, if any, the passing of Hurricane Patricia would have on my ride. While there were still reports of rain and flooding in Dallas and Houston, the skies in Del Rio were completely clear. I’d have to waitRead More …

Racing Patricia

Langtry, TX to Del Rio, TX

Last night was another noisy night in my tent. That’s not really surprising or new considering how frequently I’ve found myself camping in somewhat close proximity to train tracks. In fact, I’ve become so accustomed to train noise that I generally sleep right through it. Last night the noise cameRead More …

An Abundance Of Nothing

Sanderson, TX to Langtry, TX

Sadness is starting the day knowing it will not end with ice cream. Today was destined to be a sad day. Despite the looming lack of ice cream issue, today started off reasonably well. My night at the Budget Inn was very relaxing – even factoring in the urgent freelanceRead More …

Hello Strangers

Marathon, TX to Sanderson, TX

Sleeping under the stars has a definite appeal to it. It’s probably something I should do more often – although, the climate has a pretty big influence on that. Technically I wasn’t directly under the stars last night as there was a definite shelter above me. However, it was aRead More …

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