February, 2015

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Sixty Degrees of Separation

First world problems. Many of life’s problems fall into this category. That’s not to say those problems aren’t legitimate – after all, that’s the world we live in – however, it does help put things in perspective when things don’t go entirely (or remotely) as desired or planned. When IRead More …

Some Kind of Wonderful

When my plan to go Colombia started to formulate – and it formulated rather quickly – I had an idea of how I wanted things to go but also had a pretty good idea of how things would actually go. And of course there’s always room for the unexpected. MyRead More …

Flying Solo, For Real

If a picture is truly worth a thousand words, this update could be deemed somewhat long. However, it will be a somewhat short read as I’ll attempt to keep the number of actual words to a minimum. Yes, I realize that’s not something at which I always excel. I onlyRead More …

Back In The High Life Again

It’s hard to believe that I’m nearing the end of my first week in Colombia. Good thing I still have a second week to go. When I arrived on Sunday, the hostel was practically overflowing with people – from all over. Five days later the crowd has significantly thinned out.Read More …

Go Big or Stay Home

After spending more than a month back “home” in Ontario, one thing has become abundantly clear. Ontario is not where my heart is (well, if I actually had a heart – but you get the idea). Of course, the problem is that I’ve yet to find a place to reallyRead More …

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