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It Feels Like Home To Me

Jasper, AB to Valemount, BC

It wasn’t my intention to get an early start to the day but that is inevitably what happened. Perhaps there was a little excitement as to what was waiting for me down the road – in addition to Subway. If all went well, today would be my last day inRead More …

Jasper Encore

Jasper, AB

Having spent most of my first day in Jasper at Tim Hortons using their WiFi, the goal for the day was to take in a few of Jasper’s sights. And they really are beautiful sights. To say that Jasper is incredibly picturesque doesn’t begin to cover it. Perhaps if IRead More …

All Aboard

Drumheller, AB to Stettler, AB

My night of free backyard camping went without incident and I slept very well. So well in fact that I woke up very well rested at about 6:00. There didn’t seem to be much point lying around so I pack up my things and got ready to roll out. ThereRead More …

Drumheller Rocks

Bassano, AB to Drumheller, AB

Some times things just seem to work out. This morning was one of those mornings. In what has become a recurring theme, I woke up pretty early this morning and I was packed and on the move before 7:00. Not bad for a non-morning person! The plan was to goRead More …

Brooks & (Not Quite) Done

Medicine Hat, AB to Bassano, AB

For the third time in as many mornings, I woke to the sound of sprinklers not-so-gently pelting my tent at 4:30. After two days of such slumberous interruptus, it really wasn’t hard to sleep through it on the third morning – I mean, if I can sleep through the passingRead More …

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