April, 2020

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Raisins: Mystery Solved

After my recent foray into baking – including my obvious substitution of chocolate chips for chopped walnuts – I was led to ponder raisins. After all, in my experience a LOT of baked goods feature raisins and I really don’t know why. Correction, I never used to know why. IRead More …

Career Change?

Oh, the difference a month makes. Last month was pretty bleak. Sure, I made a few fun videos. But those don’t exactly (or remotely) pay the bills. On the upside, I have to say the CERB application process was stunningly easy. Although, I guess applying for such support could beRead More …

Playlists and Other Silliness

It’s been a little over a month since the NBA season was shutdown due to COVID-19 – with the subsequent chain reaction simultaneously transforming the world into one of self-isolation, social distancing, and the occasional hoarding of toilet paper. Where does the time go? Well, as far as I canRead More …


Another week of self-isolating and social distancing has come and gone. It’s been a week of editing (some for pay, some for fun). It’s been a week of watching tutorials and learning new things. And it’s been a week of going grocery shopping at 7:00 AM to avoid the lineups.Read More …

Friday = Monday. And Vice Versa.

Once again I’ve found myself falling a bit behind on my updates. I’d like to say it’s because I’ve been busy with work but that wouldn’t be particularly (or remotely) accurate. However, I have been trying to keep busy … some of those attempts could be viewed as more productiveRead More …

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