June, 2014

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The Trails to Ottawa

Today was probably my most successful start of a day thus far.  I had my tent packed up, and bicycle fully loaded before 8:00am.  I even had the bike (and me) fully armed in rain gear as the clouds did not look promising.  After a quick stop for breakfast IRead More …

This Meal Brought to you (ie. me) by …

So, I thought I’d try something different today for breakfast since not having breakfast yesterday didn’t really have particularly desirable effects.  I’d like to blame the remote location of the starting point but really I have only myself to blame.  Fortunately, there were many food options close to the VictoriaRead More …

Hot Hot Hot

Today I have fully come to grips with the need for a regular and heavy eating routine. I won’t go into details about how much I did (or didn’t) eat today because some people might take the opportunity to berate me for such things. And I’m certainly not going toRead More …

Day Three: It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time

So, the short version of this post would be: Made it to Kingston. Weather was beautiful. Roads were generally flat. Scenery was nice. Of course, I’ve discovered that I’m not particularly partial to the short version of a story (at least, not when I’m telling it). So, allow me toRead More …

This Meal Brought to you (ie. me) by …

It’s starting to hit me that I’m going to need to eat a lot on this trip. I know, I know … this really shouldn’t be a groundbreaking revelation but seriously – the human body is not a particularly fuel efficient machine! So, at around 4:30, I stopped in aRead More …

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