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Seeing Some Sights in St. John’s

For the first time in seven weeks, my morning started with the sound of an alarm clock. Actually, I slept through the first alarm. It was the second alarm that woke me. I guess that’s what happens when you sleep in a real bed, in a real house – withRead More …

The Big Day

Whitbourne, NL to St. John’s, NL

This morning I woke up with the realization that, if all goes well, today would be the last day of my journey to St. John’s. 51 days have passed since I started my leisurely little ride. All things considered, I think things have gone pretty well to this point –Read More …

A Final Note on Poutine

I know I may have made an excessive number of references to poutine over the last four weeks but it’s not very often I find a food I like so much. I realize though that those days are gone and it’s time to move forward. However, in my last fewRead More …

A Busy Day of Rest


After yesterday’s long ride in the rain and wind, today was a much more relaxing day. Although, no less windy. It’s kind of funny, despite spending the night indoors I actually kept the window wide open for those soothing sounds of the outdoor world. I woke to the same soundingRead More …

No Biking. Just Hiking.

It was another VERY early morning today. This going to bed at 10:00 and waking up at 4:00 is just weird. I managed to fall back to sleep until about 5:30 at which point I decided I’d get up and start the day. Despite planning to stay in the sameRead More …

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