North Dakota
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As The Wind Blows Regent, ND to Reva, SD
As nights go, last night was kind of a long one. I went to sleep around 10:30 PM and when I awoke after what felt like a great night’s sleep I discovered it was only 11:13 PM. I hate when that happens. I don’t think I slept for more thanRead More …
A Bunch of Big Things Richardton, ND to Regent, ND
Having survived the hail storm of the previous evening (thanks to Father Odo and the monks of Assumption Abbey) as well as the ongoing thunderstorms that lasted well into the night , the morning that followed was sunny and calm. Well, not dead calm. There was a not-insignificant wind comingRead More …
The Legend of Assumption Abbey Bismarck, ND to Richardton, ND
Before calling it a night last night, I had a bit of a chat with Anna about my upcoming route (which continues to be more than a little vague) as she has been to some of the places I am wanting to see. We also talked about my accommodation plansRead More …
Win, Lose, or Draw Hazelton, ND to Bismarck, ND
Another early night led to another early start. Last night definitely cooled off more than previous nights and I woke a couple of times kind of wishing I had my sleeping bag as an extra cover. However, I wasn’t about to dig it out at 1:30 AM. Instead, I shiveredRead More …
Chocolate Milk Will Suffice Gackle, ND to Hazelton, ND
The trend of early mornings continued today as I found myself packing up my gear around 6:00 AM. No, I’m not turning into a morning person but with headwinds in the forecast I really wanted to see if I could get head-start on them (pun intended … sort of). ByRead More …