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Road Trip – Day II
Another successful day of driving (minus one minor flaw in my directions). Overall the drive was a lot easier than anticipated. I could’ve driven longer on Day I but there was really no need as my check-in time was 5:00pm. I finally got to put the top down once IRead More …
Road Trip – Day I
Not much to report after the first day. I drove 1,100km in about 12 hours and I have to say my knee aches more now than it ever did on my biking trips! However, since I couldn’t bike to North Carolina in a day I guess I’ll just have toRead More …
Here I go again.
It’s hard to believe it’s been over a year since I faced my last crisis with an incredible three weeks in New Zealand. But in some ways a year is a long time and, right on schedule, I feel another crisis coming on. And while I would love to returnRead More …