Mark Weinstein
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My Favourite Least-Favourite Day
The Winter Solstice has arrived. The long dark days which have been getting darker by the day have reached the end of their journey. And while that means today is the darkest day of the year (i.e. my Least-Favourite day), it also means that from here on the days onlyRead More …
Hello, B.C. (I’ve missed you)
A little over a week ago, I was getting ready to head west. I have since headed west and am now in B.C. Peachland to be exact (a wee bit south of Kelowna). And yes, it’s beautiful. Anyway, as there isn’t too much else to report this will just beRead More …
And That’s That. Now What? East Aurora, NY to Delhi, ON
This morning began well when I confirmed that the videos I had left to upload through the night had indeed finished successfully. With work “finished” (seriously, I’m sure there will be more revisions), I set about packing up for the big day. Whether “big” is good or bad is aRead More …
It Was Wet Then It Wasn’t Wellsville, NY to East Aurora, NY
While the title of this update essentially sums up the day, it’s not really a FULLY accurate assessment of the day. Yes, it was wet and then it wasn’t. But in between there was a progression from wet, to very wet, to VERY REALLY wet. And then it wasn’t. AtRead More …
Goodbye Pennsylvania Wellsboro, PA to Wellsville, NY
The advantage to yesterday’s extended ride was that today would be a short ride. I mean, I guess it didn’t have to be and I could’ve just gone further but I already made arrangements with a host so I decided to stick with that plan. Due to the shorter distanceRead More …