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Welcome to Kenya (August 7)
Given the way today went, it feels like this should be a very long update. That said, it won’t be as I’ll just provide the abbreviated version of the day’s events. The super short version would be something like this: Gage and I arrived at the airport, checked in, boardedRead More …
Welcome To Amsterdam (August 6)
Given the vast number of tents in rather close proximity to one another, I somewhat suspected a less than quiet evening last night. That didn’t turn out to be the case. For the most part. At one point I did wake up to some rather loud voices having a somewhatRead More …
Going Dutch (August 5) Harwich to Amsterdam
The overnight crossing from Harwich to Hook of Holland was either a very smooth crossing or I just slept through any unpleasant sea motions. Or maybe it was a little of both. Either way, I think it took all of five seconds to fall asleep once my head hit theRead More …
The End Of England (August 4) Colchester to Harwich
Waking up early doesn’t always lead to getting on the road early. Actually, my skills in the field of procrastination often makes the opposite scenario a somewhat frequent occasion. This would be one of those mornings. So much so that I didn’t even depart this morning. The morning came andRead More …
From One Pub To Another (August 3) Cambridge to Colchester
Just like yesterday’s ride, today’s journey began with an escort out of the city. Hmmmm … I really hope the intent of these guided rides out of cities is intended to be helpful and not a means to usher me out of town as quickly as possible! After being guidedRead More …