A Final Note on Poutine

DSC04412_LastPoutineI know I may have made an excessive number of references to poutine over the last four weeks but it’s not very often I find a food I like so much. I realize though that those days are gone and it’s time to move forward. However, in my last few days in Quebec while aboard the Bella Desgagnés I probably had too much time on my hands and so I started to think. I know, I know … there’s nowhere good this can go.

DSC04162_ItalienPoutineWhat I came up with was that I should honour my new found second favourite food – I mean, how can chocolate not be number one, it’s available everywhere? And yes, I can’t help but wonder if anyone has added chocolate chips to poutine? Anyway, back to honouring poutine. I decided I would write a song, a tribute if you will, to the fine French cuisine I’ve come to love so much. Then I realized a problem with that plan – I’m not a song writer. At all. Sigh. I needed a new plan. Fortunately, coming up with new plans seems to be something I’ve gotten pretty good at on my trips. So, instead of writing a new song I decided I would rewrite the words to an existing song. Imitation is the highest form of flattery, right?

And yes, I’m aware that this is a very bad idea. Oh well.

So, with no disrespect directed towards Frank Sinatra or Paul Anka, here’s my version of “My Way” (and remember, this is my first – and likely last – song!):

For those that need a refresher on the original, click here.

Poutine (to the music of “My Way”)

I’ve found the perfect food
So many carbs, and so much flavour
All kinds to pick and choose
I have to say each type I savour
I’ve put mayonnaise on top
Or ketchup too, it’s just like a dream.
Because it’s all so good
This thing called poutine.

It has the perfect blend
of curds and fries beneath the gravy
It melts the curds so smooth
Is this the best? I think, “Yes, maybe”.
And now, I can’t go back
to plain french fries which seem so routine.
What will I eat next week
When there’s no poutine?

Yes I’ve had subs, most every day
And other meals, when I went astray
After long rides, I came to you
With fierce hunger, you got me through.
Always so hot, a sub can not
Help me like poutine.

It took so many years
so many meals for me to find you.
But now, we have to part
I’m very sad, it really is true.
My heart won’t be the same
My arteries will never be clean.
Because you’re oh so good
This thing called poutine.

Quebec has been kind with friendly towns
some great big hills, many ups and downs
But time’s running out, the border nears
leaving Quebec raises new fears
No more Casse-Croûtes, no baleines routes
And no more poutine.


I miss you poutine!

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One Comment to A Final Note on Poutine

  1. Lisa says:

    Love your song! I’m sure some day you and poutine will meet again. :)

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