There’s Always Money In The Banana Stand

Long Beach, CA to Dana Point, CA

With my day off at Six Flags Magic Mountain behind me, today’s focus returned to cycling. San Diego is now very much within reach. In fact, I could make it there in two days but I have managed to arrange a Warm Showers host for two nights in San Diego starting on Wednesday which means I can enjoy three leisurely days to get there. Plus, it will give UPS some extra time to deliver my tire. In case they need it.

Today would actually be slightly less leisurely than expected because of an uncharacteristic wind from the south that decided to welcome my day. And it wasn’t just a casual breeze. Ken called it “Earthquake Weather”. Only time will tell how accurate that will be. That said, I’ve biked in worse and knowing that today would only be about a 75 km ride made the wind less of a factor. Although, it did have a significant effect on my average speed for the day.

San Diego here I come.

San Diego here I come.

Today’s destination was Dana Point. Specifically, the campground at Doheny State Beach. I almost found a Warm Showers host for tonight but missed their availability by one day. So, it will be back to camping tonight.

After a bit of lollygagging and photo taking, I finally got on the road at 10:15. Whenever he can, Ken typically rides out with his guests to get a few photos from the road. Today was no exception. He accompanied me on the first portion of my ride and took some photos along the way – photos that you just can’t get on your own – well, I could if I had a drone. Hmmmm. Anyway, thanks to Ken for the action shots – and, of course, for hosting.

Subway #75.  Long Beach.

Subway #75. Long Beach.

Not surprisingly, my first stop of the day was at Subway in Long Beach. And it was a somewhat significant Subway visit. On the weekend I was guest #75 at Ken’s place. Today I visited my 75th Subway location! And still not a peep from Subway. Seriously, what’s a guy have to do? Well, in this case I just ate my sub and returned to the road.

Not long after leaving Subway (did I mention it was my 75th Subway?) I was stopped at a red light (big surprise) when two familiar faces rode up behind me on a tandem bike. It was Becky and John from Louisiana. I hadn’t seem them since the end of August at the Hiker/Biker site along the Avenue of the Giants. We were both more than a little surprised. We chatted for a bit as we rode before I ended up taking a bit of a scenic route along the coast. Not sure if I’ll see them again – unless I end up in Louisiana some day! But it was great to see them again.

It's a water tower.It's a house.It's both!

It’s a water tower.
It’s a house.
It’s both!

With the exception of the wind, this morning’s ride was very enjoyable. Lots to see. And most of it very scenic – even being on a highway. There was even an old water tower that has been converted into a house. Ken had told me about it but it wasn’t what I was expecting. Although, maybe it was. Ken’s suggested route had me turning shortly after the water tower house but then I ended up talking with another cyclist and I ended up missing my turn. I guess I could’ve backtracked but, well … you know.

From there I passed through Huntington Beach, Surf City USA. I have to say, with all the surfing I’ve seen it almost makes me want to try it. It’s just the small issue of water and swimming that’s preventing me at the moment.

Beyond Huntington Beach is the City of Newport Beach. This brought a smile to my face. Actually, there may have even been a few laughs. For those that don’t know, Newport Beach is the setting for most of activities in the TV show Arrested Development. As such, much of my ride had me quoting more than a few lines from that show – Spoiler Alert: That’s where the title of this update came from.

Welcome to Balboa Island.

Welcome to Balboa Island.

My fandom of the show meant I couldn’t resist making a quick detour over to Balboa Island. Sadly, there was no Señor Tadpoles restaurant. If there was, I’m sure they could make a margarita in your mouth … SPRING BREAK! WHOOO! Yes, that’s from the show and included here strictly for my own amusement. Also missing from Balboa Island was the Bluth Frozen Banana Stand. However, there were frozen bananas to be had at a place called Sugar n’ Spice. I wasn’t sure I really wanted one but I bought one anyway. Who knew frozen bananas were so good? I know, I know … a lot of people.

While making my way through town I met Jeff, a local of the area. A real local. He’s in his 70s and lived here his whole life (at least, I think that’s what he said). We talked for a while about the area, cycling, routes, and he gave me a bit of a heads up as to the road ahead. Apparently it gets a little less bike-friendly. It was great talking with him and he even gave me his phone number in case I run into problems along the way. Well, unless I’m in New Mexico. He limited his assistance to The O.C. (don’t call it that) area.

From there I pedalled my way through and along Laguna Beach. California really seems to be one beautiful beach after another. I probably should go for a swim in the ocean at some point before this journey ends. I don’t know if that will actually happen but the fact that I’m even considering it is pretty significant.

Subway #76.  Dana Point.

Subway #76. Dana Point.

My arrival at Dana Point was marked by Subway #76 of my journey. It took a bit of an effort to get there as I was going down a pretty big hill and my brakes had more interest in squealing than actually stopping my bike. But eventually I did manage to stop and it only took about 200 metres. An acceptable level of backtracking was required.

From there it was a relatively short ride to Doheny State Park. Sort of. The ride was short but finding the campground was bit more challenging. Well, I located the campground but I couldn’t find the Hiker/Biker site. Nor could I find anywhere to register and pay. I rode around the entire campground a few times before giving in and asking someone. They only had slightly more knowledge of the area than me but were able to point me in the right direction.

I eventually found the Hiker/Biker area … primarily because there was another cyclist already there. There was nothing to indicate it was the Hiker/Biker site and I still didn’t know where to register.

After chatting with the other cyclist for a while, it would seem I managed to circumvent (or, circumvrent as some might say) the Park Gate. In my defence, it’s not so much that I circumvented (or circumvrented) the gate, it’s more like Google did. I should’ve known something was wrong when I was essentially doing a U-turn on divided road. Anyway, having already spent so much time pedalling around looking for the gate in the first place I MAY have neglected to register. I figured I could do so on my way out tomorrow.

After a very social weekend at Ken’s and Six Flags Magic Mountain, my experience at Doheny State Beach was significantly less social. Admittedly, that was pretty much my own doing. With the exception of a brief conversation with each of the other cyclists, I isolated myself in my tent in a desperate attempt to get blog entries finished. With San Diego so close, I really want to be caught up for my big arrival. That said, I’m skeptical that will happen. Again, I’m trying.

Today’s totals:
Distance travelled: 76.45 km
Ride time: 4:28:13
Average speed: 17.10 km/h
Maximum speed: 51.80 km/h

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