La Grand Séduction

Kegaska, QC to Harrington Harbour, QC

This is an update from Thursday, July 31st.

A cozy dorm.

A cozy dorm.

I woke this morning to the roaring blast of a fog horn. Ah, life at sea. No, wait … that wasn’t a fog horn. It was snoring. Ah, the joys of bunking in a dorm room. While I’m glad there are only two of us in the room (at least for now), the room itself is actually pretty good – not that I’ve spent much time in it. It has 4 bunks, a TV, storage and a good size bathroom with shower. It’s on the lowest deck so if we start taking on water I’ll be one of the first to see it.

Foggy morning on the wayto Harrington Harbour.

Foggy morning on the way
to Harrington Harbour.

Let’s get back to the fog horn – no, not the snoring, a real fog horn. This morning there actually were several blasts of the fog horn as we approached the small village of Harrington Harbour. As is the case with most of these villages, I’d never heard of this one either. However, it does have a bit of a claim to fame in that the original version of the movie “La Grande Séduction” was shot here. It has since been remade in English with a Newfoundland setting which, given my pending travels, I was going to see before I started this adventure. However, that didn’t happen. And now that I’ve been to Harrington Harbour I feel I should see the original. Maybe I’ll be able to track down a subtitled version somewhere along the way.
Harrington Harbour.

Harrington Harbour.

With the fog being as thick as it was this morning, there wasn’t much of chance to see the village from a distance but as we approached the dock you could see why they picked this place for a movie. Walking around confirmed this even further. The whole village feels like a movie set. The roads (complete with speed bumps) are all boardwalks connecting the houses, stores, restaurants, ambulance station, and even helipad.
The ambulance station

The ambulance station.

The ambulance.Seriously.

The ambulance.

The photos don’t really do the village any justice as the fog was not a friend to my little point and shoot camera … although, in person the fog gave Harrington Harbour a distinct feel. I imagine it would be a very photogenic area with a better camera (operator) and/or a bright sunny day. However, in hearing one brief conversation between the locals, it sounds like fog is quite common – oh, and yes, they speak English!

Once again, the image to the left is an image gallery. I need to figure out a way to identify them without having to type all this up every time. Hmmmm … an idea just came to me. I’ll try it for the next one.

We’ve since left Harrington Harbour behind and are now headed for Tete-À-La-Baleine. The fog has finally lifted but it remains overcast. Sadly, any hope of seeing any wildlife this morning was lost in the fog.

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