Tsunami and I check out the Art Museum. Maybe the dog days of summer aren’t COMPLETELY over.
Despite preaching to my nieces on more than a few occasions about how fast time goes, it never ceases to amaze me how quickly summer goes. You hop on a bike early in June with the whole summer ahead of you and then you blink and it’s September. It just doesn’t seem fair. Yeah, yeah … I know … who said life is fair. Still, it doesn’t seem fair. Two months of summer and ten months of … well, I’ll be kind and simply say not-summer. Yes, I know summer will still be with us for another two weeks but let’s face it, the arrival of September marks the end of summer. You know it to be true. The dog days of summer are but a distant memory. And the days ahead offer a constant reminder that varying degrees of jackets will be required for the foreseeable future. And I don’t even want to think about gloves and toques! I know some people love jackets and fall and the beautiful colours of all the dying leaves. And sure, the leaves can be very picturesque. But so is summer.
The point of all of this? Well, as is frequently the case, I don’t really have one … other than to reiterate that time goes really fast. REALLY fast. I guess the other point of this would be to post an update … sure, not a particularly (or remotely) event-filled update but an update nonetheless.
Backstage at the “Made in America” music festival this past weekend.
Somebody’s been sleeping in MY bed …
There MAY be a new toy on the horizon …
That said, things continue to be great here in Philadelphia (where you may have heard it’s always sunny … admittedly, the definition of “sunny” may have been a bit strained at times this past week).
Anyway, I’m hoping to wrap up my current freelance project this week which means I should probably work on a plan of some sort. There is currently some debate as to what shape that plan will take.
Oh, and despite another gap between updates, this photo gallery is more than a BIT on the light side. I’ll try to do better for the next one.
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