August, 2016

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Current Events (August 6)

Attempts to keep up to date with these updates continues to be a struggle. Clearly. I was hoping to get a few more updates posted before tomorrow (Sunday) but it’s now 11:30 PM so I don’t see that happening. My apologies. As a result, I’m jumping ahead to the presentRead More …

Busways, Canals, and Punting (August 2)

Brampton to Cambridge

To say there have been a lot of short riding days lately would be a bit of an understatement. It’s been a very strange tour in that regard. And today looked to be another short day on the bike. Again, the reason for all these short days is that I’mRead More …

Looking Up, Looking Down (August 1)

Today began with more urgency than recent days. Of course, that’s all relative because there really haven’t been many urgent mornings on this adventure. That said, today’s urgency was the result of my Warm Showers hosts having plans this morning. As such, I needed to be packed and ready toRead More …

A Lot Of Overs (July 31st)

When I arrived at the campground last night the office was closed so I couldn’t pay for my site at that time. It was more than a little fortuitous that when I left the campground this morning the office was still closed. Sure, I may have made a conscious effortRead More …

Ahead Of Schedule (July 30th) Rainworth to Nottingham

My current plan continues to see me working my way southwest towards the town of Harwich (for some reason the “w” is silent) to catch the ferry to the Netherlands. However, I’m a bit ahead of schedule as I’m booked on the ferry for the night of August 4th. AsRead More …

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