Double Duty, Part II Humble, TX to Kitchener, ON
In an effort to get completely caught up before I (likely) fall drastically behind again, I’m going to cover two days with one update again. Similar to the previous double duty update, the fact that there’s little to report and VERY few photos to share both contribute to this two day update.
Despite this update covering two days, it will be deliberately brief. Sure there was plenty of activity over the past two days but little of it was particularly blog-worthy. So, instead of going into great (or any) detail, of things that really wouldn’t be of much interest to anyone (although that hasn’t really stopped me before), this update will be more of a highlight reel from the past 48 hours or so.
My flight from Houston to Toronto was entirely uneventful. Sheila (my Warm Showers host) generously drove me to the airport and from there everything went smoothly. The flight even landed early in Toronto. I worked my way through customs with no issues whatsoever. I was curious how it would go since I had been away for a relatively long period. Turns out, there was nothing to be curious about. From there I made my way to the car rental area where again I had no issues.The rest of my day was pretty much filled with reuniting with a few people. There wasn’t much time for visiting but I did what I could. That said, on my way to Kitchener I stopped at Boston Pizza to have lunch with my friend Janis. From there it was on to Kitchener for the family portion of visiting which included going out for dinner with my dad, brothers, and their significant others, and my nieces. Actually, there was only one of two sisters-in-law and one of two nieces present. Either way, it was good to see those who could make it. The final visit of the day was with my friend Harrison and his wife Robyn – who has made several comments throughout this blog and several efforts to connect me with Subway. While not particularly successful (shame on Subway), the effort has been appreciated. Anyway, the evening ended at a pub drinking beer with Harrison.
I can’t help but notice how this deliberately brief update is slowly becoming not-so-brief. My apologies. What can I say, sometime I tend to babble. I’ll try to move things along a bit faster.
Friday I went out for breakfast with my dad, before driving to Toronto to have lunch with Marleah to find out what exactly I had signed up for with this trip to Cuba. It’s still a bit vague but I certainly have a better sense of what to expect. As for being able to translate that into some sort of coherent paragraph is a bit more challenging. So, I’ll let things develop naturally and go with the flow.The rest of the day was spent running around buying last minute things for the trip. How’s that for brief!?
Having never been to Cuba before I really don’t know what to expect as I’ve heard mixed reviews from various people. Some positive, some negative (in case you didn’t know what “mixed reviews” meant). If all goes well, I’ll be finding out for myself tomorrow.
While I’m hoping there will be WiFi access wherever I end up staying in Cuba, I suspect it will be limited at best. After all, it’s not like there will be any McDonald’s along the way. And I’m okay with that.
Next stop, Cuba.
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