August, 2015
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So Much For Prevailing Winds Cape Lookout State Park, OR to South Beach State Park, OR
Waking up to see the sunrise is not something I generally set out to do. But today I saw the sunrise. Granted, the sun rises a bit later when there are mountains between you and the sun. Still, I was watched the sun come up over the mountains. And itRead More …
Ask And You Shall ReceiveSeaside, OR to Cape Lookout, OR
This morning began with a house full of people but our host, Neil, wasn’t one of them. He was actually out of town. Despite his absence, his home was playing host to three cyclists and five couch surfers. It’s no wonder he’s hosted SO many people. With so many peopleRead More …
Cookie Dough Seaside, OR
As anticipated, today was a non-travel day and as result I knew the likelihood of having much blog-worthy material would be pretty slim. Then again, that’s rarely stopped me from writing long updates in the past so we’ll just see where we end up. That’s somewhat fitting as hat’s kindRead More …
Lewis and Clark Were Here Raymond, WA to Seaside, OR
One thing I don’t miss about camping is packing up a wet tent. This morning I had to do just that. On the upside it wasn’t from rain but from dew. Sometimes I’ll opt to delay my departure to the allow the sun to do its drying duty but IRead More …
Coasting Towards The Coast Shelton, WA to Raymond, WA
After a remarkable stretch of ten consecutive nights of staying with Warm Showers hosts, today’s ride began with no clear destination in mind. Whatever the destination, there would be no Warm Showers stay tonight. There was a host along today’s route but she was unavailable tonight as she was alreadyRead More …