Happy Thanksgiving

Vancouver, BC

On the Lion's Gate Bridge.

On the Lion’s Gate Bridge.

After yesterday’s excursion with Jan up to Squamish followed by an afternoon bike cleaning session, it seemed fitting to get back on the bike today. After all, a clean bike is a happy bike. Plus, I didn’t ride anywhere yesterday. That wasn’t the case today. Like yesterday, Jan offered to act as a personal tour guide – this time we explored Vancouver. And this time by bike.

We started by cycling our way towards over the Lion’s Gate Bridge to Stanley Park – an area around which I cycled a LOT on my first cycling tour in 2010. While five years have passed since my last visit, it still looked very familiar. And it’s still an incredibly beautiful place to ride a bike. It’s also an incredibly popular place to ride a bicycle as there were bicycles everywhere – so much so that sometimes there were actually bicycle backlogs. Not long backlogs. But backlogs just the same.

Bicycle Valet?  I love this place!

Bicycle Valet? I love this place!

From there we continued on to Granville Island which is another area that is both beautiful and bicycle friendly. Even with the crowds. There’s actually free bicycle valet parking which we used when we went inside for something to eat. Valet parking. For bikes. So nice! It’s a very reassuring feeling to be able to leave your bike in a busy area without concern for its well-being.

Later in the afternoon, Jan returned to the house (for reasons I’ll get into later) and left me to do some exploring on my own. I ended up pedalling over to Canada Place and then the Olympic Cauldron – former home of the Olympic flame. From there it was back to Stanley Park and the Seawall. Despite it being later in the afternoon, there were still a lot of cyclists (and pedestrians) enjoying the beautiful path around Stanley Park. And it’s no wonder. It really is beautiful.

Ok.  Picture taken ...Now how do I get back on the bridge?

Ok. Picture taken …
Now how do I get back on the bridge?

As much as I love cycling along the Seawall, I found myself being a bit navigationally challenged when I attempted to get back onto the Lion’s Gate Bridge (much like my last visit in 2010). Initially, I was distracted by a passing cruise ship of which I wanted to get a photo as it passed under the bridge. Shortly after that task was completed, I found myself passing under that same bridge, looking up with the realization that I had no idea of how to get up to the bridge. Well, the “how” was easy. I would pedal. Determining the route was the challenge.

A few trails, a road, another path, and a couple of nearly wrong turns later and I finally worked my way back up to the bridge. I have to say that I look forward to the day where I have spent enough time cycling around Stanley Park that I no longer get lost. Sadly, I’m pretty sure that won’t happen on this visit. On the upside, that just means I’ll have to return.

Me, Jan, Jose, Rick(Photo by Jim)

Me, Jan, Jose, Rick
(Photo by Jim)

From the bridge it was a relatively short ride back to Jan and Rick’s house where dinner was being prepared and, in fact, was nearly ready. Dinner was the reason Jan left early to return to the house. The dinner in question was turkey – complete with dressing, mashed potatoes, cranberries, and salad. And for dessert? Yup, pumpkin pie. Having missed both the Canadian and American Thanksgivings last year, I couldn’t believe I was enjoying a Thanksgiving-style meal in August.

Given the surplus of food that was being prepared, Jan and Rick’s nephew (Jim) and partner (Jose) also joined the party. We had a great time over a great meal and there were more than a few amusing stories of adventures gone by – the details of which seemed to vary depending on who was telling the story. Either way, the phrase, “we drank a lot back then” seemed to be uttered a few times. Suffice it to say, they were very entertaining stories.

Of the things I anticipated upon arriving in Vancouver, my stay with Jan and Rick has exceeded any and all expectations. I can honestly say that I have been completely overwhelmed with everything so far. But Thanksgiving in August? That just might just take the cake (or pie, as the case may be).

Today’s totals:
Distance travelled: 50.38 km
Ride time: 3:52:29
Average speed: 13.00 km/h
Maximum speed: 43.34 km/h

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