Smooth As Silk

Silkworms are pretty impressive.
And kind of cute.

Today’s attempt to get some close up footage of the silkworms was a good idea but not necessarily well executed. Low light and constantly moving worms make for some challenging macro footage. Stills would’ve been more successful but we’re here to shoot video. Hopefully we can use at least SOME of today’s footage.

Anyway, I managed to take a few less than ideal stills from the video for the gallery. Side note: this gallery doesn’t have NEARLY as many photos as those from the safari. The “problem” with shooting so much video for the documentary is that there hasn’t been much opportunity to take “travel” photos. Although, maybe fewer photos with me in them might be for the best! Speaking of photos with me in them, I’ve had one comment that I look like I’m possessed by the devil in the photo to the right. Anyone else think that? Just curious.

That said, things have been going well here. Weather has been good … dry, of course (although it actually rained a bit last night and this morning. A very bit). On Sunday (or maybe Monday), Gage and I are flying to, well … somewhere in western Kenya for more shooting. It’s my understanding that it’s a 30 minute flight followed by a two hour drive to our destination and I think we’re there for one night. And that’s about all I know about it.

More to come.

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One Comment to Smooth As Silk

  1. Those ain't so little says:

    Holding DUNE in miniature in the palm of your hand? Devil? Nah. Maniacal Fremen demi-god? Getting there.

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