Back To Kenya

This may look like a sunset but it’s actually a sunrise … in Tanzania.

After spending a couple of nights on safari in Tanzania, the time has come to return to Kenya and turn my attention to the real reason I’m in Africa.

That said, the drive back to Kenya was beautiful and offered unexpected views of Mt. Kilimanjaro. I say, “unexpected” because we didn’t see it on the drive to Tanzania. It was a bit of a hazy view of it but it was great to see it again. Sometimes it seems like it was SO long ago since I was at the top. And other times it feels like it was yesterday. Either way, the experience of being at the top of Kili was one of the greatest experiences of my life.

Oh, and in response to Tara’s post in the Guestbook (thanks for the post, by the way), I’d like to be able to say that Africa is hideously ugly and dull and only through my unique and brilliant photographic talents am I able to make it look like a beautiful place. In reality, Africa is stunning. Perhaps that’s an understatement but for now I’ll stick with stunning. Or, maybe truly stunning.

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