A Little Resolution

Now THAT's resolution.

Now THAT’s resolution.

For what it’s worth, I thought I’d take this opportunity to provide a bit of an addendum to my “final” update.

Since that update my bike has been fully repaired and is once again fully operational – although, I liked the style of my old front rack better than the replacement but a similar one wasn’t available. C’est la vie. More importantly, and perhaps surprisingly, is that I received a cheque from Air Transat merely days after sending in my receipts. In looking at the dates on said cheque and the accompanying letter it would seem they weren’t waiting around for the repairs to happen and issued the cheque and it just happened to arrive when it did. I’m not going to lie. I was pretty impressed.

Generally it seems that people are quick to criticize and slow to praise so I just wanted to commend Air Transat for their handling of this unfortunate situation. Clearly, it would’ve been preferred by all parties to NOT have had my bike damaged but it was. But to Air Transat’s credit, they took responsibility for it and did so with essentially no hassles. And yes, I sent them an e-mail saying as much. I wouldn’t hesitate to fly with Air Transat again … although, I think I’ll put my bike in a box next time. If only the people at Premiere Classe hotels would follow Air Transat’s efforts at customer service. But they don’t. And no, I’m not going to go in detail. It’s not worth it. Suffice it to say I won’t be staying at a Premiere Classe hotel again. Ever.

Unrelated, this is my first autumn in Southwestern Ontario in three years. At this time last year I was battling the headwinds of Texas (ugh) and the previous year I was in South Carolina pedalling my way to Quest Air in Florida (no “ugh” at all). And while I’d certainly prefer to be travelling somewhere right now, I had a chance to take advantage of the unseasonably warm (and beautifully sunny) weather and went for a leisurely flight with my neighbour the other day. We were flying around for a little over an hour and, as would be expected, it was a pretty scenic flight.

As days (and flights) go, it was a fun one.

Not a bad way to spend an afternoon.

Not a bad way to spend an afternoon.

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