This Meal Brought to you (ie. me) by …
It’s starting to hit me that I’m going to need to eat a lot on this trip. I know, I know … this really shouldn’t be a groundbreaking revelation but seriously – the human body is not a particularly fuel efficient machine!
So, at around 4:30, I stopped in a Tim Horton’s and had a chicken sandwich and frozen lemonade. The latter confused me somewhat when the cashier asked me if I wanted original or raspberry. I mean, raspberry lemonade? Maybe the 100 km in the blazing sun played a factor but the concept of raspberry lemonade eluded me.
Anyway, prior to my departure I received a Tim Horton’s gift card and this seemed like to perfect opportunity for the inaugural use. And so, thanks to Kenneth for what may have been a life-saving chicken sandwich and (original) frozen lemonade!
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